Congratulations to Peter on receiving a 2500$ WCEE Summer Research and Internship Grant to spend time with our collaborators in Switzerland this summer doing second harmonic generation on magnetic and multiferroic oxides. This funding is provided by the Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies (WCED).
Peter receives a WCED Summer Research and Internship Grant
Peter receives an Honorable mention from the NSF GSRF.
Congratulations to Peter for receiving an Honorable mention for his NSF Graduate Research Proposal on High Entropy Oxides. Applicants receiving Honorable Mention are provided enhanced access to cyberinfrastructure resources, including supercomputing time, in support of research toward completion of the graduate program of study.
Betsy joins the lab!
Betsy is a senior studying Materials Science Engineering and minoring in Multidisciplinary Design. She is a project lead on The Initiative, a team which designs heated bassinets for underweight infants in Ethiopia. Currently she assists with the characterization of entropy stabilized oxides and has previously worked on a capillary angiogenesis project in the CSET Laboratory at the University of Michigan.
When not logging impressive study marathons in the basement of the library, Betsy enjoys skiing, backpacking, and attempting to delicious food on a college budget.
New publication! – “Spin-Hall Torques Generated by Rare-Earth (Lanthanide) Thin Films”
New publication! – Neal Reynolds, Priyamvada Jadaun, John T. Heron, Colin L. Jermain, Jonathan Gibbons, Robyn Collette, R. A. Buhrman, Darrell G. Schlom and D. C. Ralph, “Spin-Hall Torques Generated by Rare-Earth (Lanthanide) Thin Films” Phys. Rev. B. 95, 064412 (2017).
We report an initial experimental survey of spin Hall torques generated by the rare-earth metals Gd, Dy, Ho, and Lu, along with comparisons to first-principles calculations of their spin Hall conductivities. Using spin torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) measurements and dc-biased ST-FMR, we estimate lower bounds for the spin Hall torque ratio, ξSH, of ≈0.04 for Gd, ≈0.05 for Dy, ≈0.14 for Ho, and ≈0.014 for Lu. The variations among these elements are qualitatively consistent with results from first principles [density-functional theory (DFT) in the local density approximation with a Hubbard-U correction]. The DFT calculations indicate that the spin Hall conductivity is enhanced by the presence of the partially filled f orbitals in Dy and Ho, which suggests a strategy to further strengthen the contribution of the f orbitals to the spin Hall effect by shifting the electron chemical potential.