The award comes from the Ceramics program within the NSF Division of Materials Research. The project is to focus on the understanding the roles of defects and disorder on the dielectric properties of entropy-stabilized thin film materials.

Understanding and utilizing non-volatile properties of materials
By John Heron
The award comes from the Ceramics program within the NSF Division of Materials Research. The project is to focus on the understanding the roles of defects and disorder on the dielectric properties of entropy-stabilized thin film materials.
By John Heron
Established in 2017 to honor 100 years of one of the University’s oldest and most prestigious scholarships, the Barbour Centennial Award helps graduate student research via financial support for travel, resources, and living expenses. Barbour Scholar alumnae from across the globe came together to contribute to this gift.
By John Heron
Peter was chosen to receive the Graduate Excellence in Materials Science (GEMS) award from the American Ceramic Society (ACerS). Congratulations!
By John Heron
Peter received a Rackham Graduate Student Research grant for $3,000 to go towards the purchase of a top-of-the-line isolation system for the AFM. Congratulations!
By John Heron
Peter will be working in the Ferroelectronics Lab over the summer as part of the Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering Program (SURE). SURE offers summer research internships to outstanding undergraduate students who have completed their sophomore or junior year. The progam funds the undergraduate student for 10-12 weeks of full-time research. Peter will be working to synthesize ordered antiferromagnetic Tb2Ir2O7 thin films for use in magnetotransport studies.
Our research is at the intersection of multiple disciplines, drawing on principles and methodologies from materials science, chemistry, physics, and electrical engineering. Our mission is to pioneer … Read More