Abstract: Spin pumping, a central phenomenon in spintronics used to source pure spin currents, is best understood in collinear magnetic multilayers. There is not yet a unified Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) theory that captures the fieldlike and dampinglike torques in a generic noncollinear magnetic multilayer. Here, we theoretically expand the LLG phenomenology to incorporate both dynamic fieldlike and dampinglike torques arising from spin pumping within noncollinear magnetic materials. We find that often overlooked dynamic fieldlike torques are capable of unveiling inversion asymmetries present in magnetic multilayers. Consequently, spin pumping can be used to lift the spectral degeneracy between various magnon modes in noncollinear antiferromagnets. We experimentally confirm this magnon-magnon interaction in a synthetic antiferromagnetic tetralayer, which has highly noncollinear magnetization configurations when under the influence of an external field. Thus, we demonstrate how spin pumping can facilitate a magnon-magnon interaction, significantly expanding how magnonic interactions can be engineered into antiferromagnets and magnetic metamaterials.
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